Acts 9:31

Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.

The church enjoyed a time of peace. If that sounds great to you…it’s because it is great. The church in Jerusalem got its foundations shook forcing them to leave home base and create missionaries. Now the Acts 1:8 “command” is producing fruit…and that brings me to this great truth...when the church is acting in obedience we get to live in peace…we are strengthened and encouraged by God…and we grow. Why? Because we fear God…we live in respect and reverence to who He is…what He has done…and what He is continuing to do.

This is my prayer...

I pray that we rediscover the Bible again. I pray that we rediscover the favor of God. I pray that we rediscover the Cross again. I pray that we rediscover our fundamentals again. I pray that we rediscover a broken heart…a heart that pleads for the overlooked, underappreciated, rejected, and the neglected. I pray that we be sons and daughters of encouragement. I pray that we learn to proclaim and declare the Gospel like it was brand new to our heart. I pray that we be encouragers and recognize those Saul’s out there just waiting to follow us. I pray that we all become mentors to someone…and that our lives speak just as loud as our message.