Deja Vu
4:48 PM
The last four days have been awesome. I really enjoyed NTLC this year and I am already looking forward to next year. I also managed to get some things done around the house and a bit of rest. It’s so crazy how a little bit of sleep can make me a new man. Well…almost new!
I want to take the time and share with you my “déjà vu” moment this weekend. (No…I wasn’t watching the Matrix) I was on the way out the door to get some things out of the car and I saw my wife playing with our youngest daughter and I remembered…I remembered that before my youngest was even born that my wife sat up one morning and said, “I had a dream, last night, that we had a baby girl.” She went on to describe her and even what she was wrapped in detail.
What I remembered as I walked by the other day was that a week after she was born, my wife had a “déjà vu”. She had seen this scene before. It had already played out in her mind. God gave her insight into our future. What an awesome phenomenon!
My thought: Why don’t we have more “déjà vu” moments with God?
“Spiritual” déjà vu’s are pivotal praise moments in our life. They are reminders that we really did hear from God. In the case of my wife and I, we physically saw the dream come to pass. The child was physically in our hands, exactly like God had showed my wife. Allow me to give this disclaimer…this isn’t a testament to who we are…it is a testament to who God is. God gave the vision…we became obedient…believed in faith…and are now living in the vision.
What spiritual déjà vu moments have you had in your life?