Can't Stop The Signal
3:01 PM
My internet was down for most of the week, as if something was trying to stop all forms of communications for me. Nevertheless I twittered from my iphone which is not 3G...does that make me "old school"? So even though I was down from doing any mainstream blogging...I secretly twittered away in joyful delight. "It's all good", as they say down here in Texas.
Happy Halloween.
No. I am not going to get into all the spiritual junk that people carry with Halloween. Instead, I am reminded of my youth. I remember waiting up all night in anticipation to MTV and waiting to see the super hyped video, "Thriller". It wan't even a few weeks and most of us had the dance routine worked out in our living room. You know the honest.
So with that...I leave a video...or maybe a link to a video...depends on what works.