Vimeo Video

I recently have had some request to get some video I opened a Vimeo account. Don't know how much I'm going to like their service, mainly because I can't view it on my iPhone. So we'll see.

Anyway...embedding video...let's give it a try...

This clip is from the two new additions to the "iamninja" family. They are brand new! We've been enjoying living in the country and these two little ones are some of the reason why...

Bambi And Feline from Jim Coursey on Vimeo.


Devotion – Acts 1:9-11

Found this interesting…straight from my devotional journal…

Acts 1:9-11

“And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, you men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven.”

Fewer places intrigue us as much as Heaven does. It’s magical. It’s mysterious. It’s frightening. Heaven is clothed in many different ways, and about the only thing we do know for sure about Heaven is that it’s up. The consistency in these three scriptures rings that absolute truth.

“Kingdom Principles”

Devotion – Acts 1:3

I’ve started dissecting the Book of Acts over the last couple of weeks. I really want to try and see it and know it more intimately. So my devotions for a while to come will all be from that book alone. This is the first of two devotions this morning…

Acts 1:3

To whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God

Did you catch that last part of the scripture?

Jesus got a second chance to come back upon the earth. I think it’s safe to say that when we die, we are not going to get a second chance to come back to this earth. At least I wouldn’t plan on it. That being said…if you could come back, what would you do? Would you spend it doing the same things you’ve been doing?

Jesus did. I think that is a testimony of how He lived. He lived like a dying man. He preached like a dying man. What he was saying was so important and so life changing that he spent His second resurrected time, 40 days, preaching on Kingdom principles.

That brings me to my second point of interest…

Jesus spent the entire 40 days speaking on Kingdom principles. If Jesus spent His last 40 days on earth speaking on Kingdom principles, don’t you think we should preach more on Kingdom principles? Kingdom preaching leads to Kingdom living, Kingdom living leads to Kingdom loving, and Kingdom loving leads to earthly change…

Lord prepare us...

We Sing Glory

The last song I published here had been written over 3 years ago. My song writing abilities had dried up so to speak for a season. I haven’t even thought about writing a song…and that is when the Lord gave me one.

It’s not much…but it’s mine. The Lord gave it to me, and that is enough for me. I’ve already introduced it at my church and it’s just the right fit. I’m so thankful to the Lord for new songs. We all need one once in a while. It inspires me to inspire others.

Thanks Lord...

Below is a link to the song, lyrics and chord sheet…

We Sing Glory.mp3

We Sing Glory (Lyrics/Chords)

Sermons & Songs

I came back from District Council on fire...

I got the opportunity to preach last night on core value number three; "From Ordinary to Extraordinary".

Instead of posting the entire message here. I thought I would just make it available for download in a PDF format. So here you go...

I also wrote a song a few days ago... I am going to try and get a raw recording done. I will try and post it as soon as I can along with the chords and lyrics.

2009 North Texas District Council

So yea…I’ve been gone for a while. Believe me I feel a writer’s explosion in my head and hands. I have a lot of stuff to bring to the blog…but unfortunately due to time restraints, I can only lay down a few things today.

Where have I been?

Last week I attended the 2009 Assemblies of God-North Texas District Council. What an awesome opportunity to get refreshed and refocused on kingdom building. I absolutely loved it. As I always do…here are some sound bites from the conference.

Pastor Rick Dubose

· “Sometimes pastors are too consumed about getting money rather than giving money.”

· “Sometimes pastors are more worried about being comfortable than being effective.”

· “Your dreams are tied to what you love.” (Love this one…)

· “If you love correctly, you will live correctly.” (Love this one too…)

· “What you love, effects how you dream.”

· “Your dreams must include the world…because God loves the whole world.”

· “It takes a love we’ve never loved, a hope we’ve never hoped, and a faith we’ve never exercised to turn a Nineveh into a Jericho.”

I have to say…that I love listening to Pastor Rick. He challenges me every time I hear him. Here are the questions I walked out asking myself…

· What is my dream?

· Where am I headed without a dream?

· When I’m credentialed…what’s next?

As I sat their pondering those questions, Pastor Rick threw this out there… “God’s dreams will always stretch our dreams.” So true…

Dr. Gary Jones

· “Are we prepared for a Latin American revival?”

· “Will we answer the call that God has for Latin American today?”

· “God has always had an associate in his redemptive business.” (Amen)

· “The best church growth strategy is simply, ‘get on your knees’.” (Love it!)

Rev. Crabtree

· “Legalism leads to a miserable holiness.” (So true…and yet still people go down that road daily.)

· “The scripture is the cutting-edge of ministry” (Amen)

· “Preach the Word, not yourself.” (This guy was on fire!)

· “People don’t believe in healing anymore because people aren’t getting healed…They still keep building hospitals despite the fact that people are constantly dying on the operating table.” (Preach it!)

Hope this stuff speaks to you as much as it has spoken to me. Like I said, I absolutely loved it. Great preaching and a great encouraging sight to see that there are still great men of God on the face of the Earth. I really felt the winds of change stirring…


This is going to be short. Mainly because I am squeezing time in between a few events to write a few words. I don't have anything inspiring just yet to layout. Got a lot on my mind after this week and I can't wait to put it all down on cyber paper. But it's going to have to wait. Why? Because what God is doing to me here at the North Texas District Council is reminding me why I'm here.

He is encouraging me for the journey like someone holding a nice cold glass of water to a marathon runner. You know what's funny about that analogy? That is exactly how it is. I'm running as fast as I can. As I throw down the empty cup of refreshing and continue the run leaving God behind...but there He is again with another cup of water waiting on me...just waiting on me. He is encouraging me to finish. He is pushing me to continue the embrace the realize that no matter how fast I run, He will be there with the next cup of water. He is always there. He has been watching and cheering the whole way.

Who is like our God?

Falling In Love...Again

I have been falling in love with Jesus all over again these days. I have been so consumed with the simplicity of the gospel. I have been thinking constantly how much love and grace flows from the cross. I have been thinking heavily on how much forgiveness is required to even love me. 

It's overwhelming. The love of Jesus is overwhelming

I have had so much new revelation in my life on how much love is required by God to love me. It's more than I can imagine. Why? Because I absolutely fail him so many times that it's downright depressing. And yet...He loves me. 

He loves me.

You know what. He love you as much as He loves me.

Leadership Principles From Joshua

I finished reading through the book of Joshua and have now moved onto Corinthians. I like to read one book in the Old Testament and then one book in the New Testament. I like the diversity in the timeline. 

As I finished the book of Joshua, I zoomed out and saw something underlying in the chapters. I saw a unique and interesting leadership principle that, to be honest, I don't know if it was intentional or not. 

Allow me to share...

In chapters one thru six we see Joshua on a major military campaign. He will eventually take two major cities and completely conquer them. As he approaches another opposition, a much smaller opposition, he is dumbfounded in defeat. Joshua immediately approaches God in fear. At that point God let's Joshua in on the fact that someone in the camp has taken something that they shouldn't have, ultimately against the Lord's will. This action causes the Israelites to veer off course from their destiny, from their purpose. 

Joshua has to make a decision. 

Joshua finds the man and establishes the punishment. He is to be stoned. Harsh. To make it a bit more dramatic, Joshua makes every Israelite pick up a stone and take ownership in the stoning. Immediately afterwards, we find Joshua reading the commandments and laws to the well as the Moses had laid out before them. Then Joshua leads everyone in worshiping the Lord. From that point, Joshua goes off on the biggest military campaign of his life. Taking literally city, after city, after city. 

And here is what I gleaned...

Leadership is hard. It's difficult. It's making unpopular decisions. It's dealing harshly with those that you have loved, embraced, and traveled with for years. The man that was stoned had fought with Joshua in battle. Being in the military myself, I can tell you firsthand that you develop intense friendships with those that you serve with. So Joshua's decision isn't easy...but it's the best decision to make. It's what is best for the rest of Israel. 

So he leads them in stoning this man. But he doesn't do it alone. He makes them take ownership of this entire journey. They should be just as upset as the Lord is on this matter. Their heart should break for the things that break God's heart. 

From there, Joshua reaffirms them of what God has promised them by the reading of the Mosaic laws, covenants, and promises. He reads to them the vision of God for Israel. He reassures them of what they are doing and why they are doing it. He reminds them what this whole journey has been about, thus setting them back on track for being entirely in the will of God. 

Then he leads everyone in worship...

Great leaders are made from great leaders. Joshua broke into ministry through the internship of working for Moses. Moses, whether directly or indirectly, mentored Joshua to be the man he would become for Israel. 

A few thoughts I have on all of this...
  • Do our hearts break for the things that break God's heart?
  • Are we providing good leadership for those that we influence? 
  • Who are we mentoring to lead after we are gone?