2009 North Texas District Council
8:40 AM
So yea…I’ve been gone for a while. Believe me I feel a writer’s explosion in my head and hands. I have a lot of stuff to bring to the blog…but unfortunately due to time restraints, I can only lay down a few things today.
Where have I been?
Last week I attended the 2009 Assemblies of God-North Texas District Council. What an awesome opportunity to get refreshed and refocused on kingdom building. I absolutely loved it. As I always do…here are some sound bites from the conference.
Pastor Rick Dubose
· “Sometimes pastors are too consumed about getting money rather than giving money.”
· “Sometimes pastors are more worried about being comfortable than being effective.”
· “Your dreams are tied to what you love.” (Love this one…)
· “If you love correctly, you will live correctly.” (Love this one too…)
· “What you love, effects how you dream.”
· “Your dreams must include the world…because God loves the whole world.”
· “It takes a love we’ve never loved, a hope we’ve never hoped, and a faith we’ve never exercised to turn a Nineveh into a Jericho.”
I have to say…that I love listening to Pastor Rick. He challenges me every time I hear him. Here are the questions I walked out asking myself…
· What is my dream?
· Where am I headed without a dream?
· When I’m credentialed…what’s next?
As I sat their pondering those questions, Pastor Rick threw this out there… “God’s dreams will always stretch our dreams.” So true…
Dr. Gary Jones
· “Are we prepared for a Latin American revival?”
· “Will we answer the call that God has for Latin American today?”
· “God has always had an associate in his redemptive business.” (Amen)
· “The best church growth strategy is simply, ‘get on your knees’.” (Love it!)
Rev. Crabtree
· “Legalism leads to a miserable holiness.” (So true…and yet still people go down that road daily.)
· “The scripture is the cutting-edge of ministry” (Amen)
· “Preach the Word, not yourself.” (This guy was on fire!)
· “People don’t believe in healing anymore because people aren’t getting healed…They still keep building hospitals despite the fact that people are constantly dying on the operating table.” (Preach it!)
Hope this stuff speaks to you as much as it has spoken to me. Like I said, I absolutely loved it. Great preaching and a great encouraging sight to see that there are still great men of God on the face of the Earth. I really felt the winds of change stirring…