Whereas vision helps others see where you are going and conveying your passion helps others feel where you are going, the PROCESS is how others come to UNDERSTAND how you’re going to get there. This happens a few different ways…

It starts with COMMUNICATION…never underestimate the power of communicating with your team. You can’t do it enough. Always keep your team informed about what’s going on. They can’t help you if they aren’t aware of something.

The next thing I would add in here is CORPORATE PRAYER. Listen…the team that prays together…stays together…Prayer has the ability to help your team take real ownership to the vision and it’s the quickest way to bring a person who is on the fence and make him a passionate fireball for what you are doing.

Last thing…TIME! A great team isn’t the result of just great recruiting. Putting a great team together can only be accomplished through spending time with your team. I would suggest a monthly meeting or at least a quarterly meeting in which you convey these things every time;

Start and end all of your meetings in prayer. Take the time to reaffirm the vision. Let the team hear your heart. Convey your passion! Before giving any criticism…always speak about the positive things first. Encourage your team by letting them know that you see can see progress, however small it is.